Terms and Conditions

Last Revised Jan 4, 2019

This agreement between you and Praxis Group Inc. ("Praxis Group") explains how you can use our Web sites and buy products listed on our Web sites. Use of Praxis Group Web sites is governed by this agreement. By purchasing a Praxis Group product, you acknowledge and signify that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this agreement.

1. Who is Praxis Group?
Praxis Group operates a number of Web sites, including but not limited to PraxisGroup.com, CampusRecruitment.co.in, ICETexam.com, KMAT.in and GATEBooks.in, (collectively the "Web sites") that allow registered Praxis Group customers ("Customers") to purchase new, used, rare and out-of-print books and other items such as online practice and preparation accounts.

2. Who Can Be a Customer?
Only individuals and businesses that are legally entitled to enter into legally binding and enforceable contracts may register to be a Customer and purchase items through the Web sites. Customers must comply with all applicable laws. All information submitted by Customers through the Web sites, including registration information, payment information, and transaction-related information must be true, accurate, current and complete. Once you have registered as a Customer, you are referred to as a "Customer", "You", "Your" or "Yourself" for the purposes of this agreement.

3. How This Works?
The Web sites are a marketplace for the Customers. Customers buy Items from Praxis Group. Customers authorize Praxis Group to ship the requested article to the specified location and use the given contact name, e-mail address and phone number to confirm the shipping location and register with the online account if necessary. For products from third party publishers or sellers, Praxis Group only facilitates transactions, and does not enter into any sale or purchase contract in its own name on behalf of the Customers or the Sellers. Praxis Group is not the agent of any third party Sellers. Only Customers (not Praxis Group) are responsible for all transactions through the Web sites and the terms and conditions of all transactions.
A variety of payment methods (including credit cards) may be used to purchase on our Web Sites. Passwords must be kept confidential and not disclosed to or shared with any other person. You are solely responsible and liable for any use and misuse of Your password and for all activities that occur under Your password. You must immediately notify Praxis Group of any unauthorized use of Your password, or if You know or suspect that Your password has become known to any other person. Praxis Group is not under any obligation to verify the actual identity or authority of the user of any password.

4. Buying on Behalf of a Third Party
If a Customer places an order on behalf of another person, this third party’s contact information must be communicated to the Seller, along with the Customer’s information. A seller is not required to communicate with the person that an order was placed on behalf of.

5. Returns
a. Email us at sales@campusrecruitment.co.in with your name, reason for return and pick-up address for the return.
b. Our service agent will call you back within 48-72 hours to confirm your pick-up address and will help you with the refunds.
c. In case of returning a physical book, ensure that the purchased book to be returned is in pristine condition along with the shipping label within 7 days of delivery for the refund to be processed.
d. In case of returning a physical book with a scratch card inside, ensure that the scratch card is untampered before returning for the refund to be processed.

6. Misprints and Orders
Although Praxis Group strives to provide reliable and current information on the Web sites, misprints or other errors may occur. Praxis Group reserves the right to change any information on the Web sites at any time and from time to time without any notice or liability to You or any other person.
Items listed on the Web sites are subject to availability, and may not be available when ordered or afterwards.
The Items offered on the Web sites are invitations for purchase orders, and shall not constitute binding offers to sell. Your properly completed and delivered order form constitutes Your offer to purchase the Items referenced in your order. Your order will be accepted only if and when the Seller sends an order acceptance and shipping notice to Your e-mail address.

7. We Respect Your Privacy
Your personal information will be collected and saved by Praxis Group. All data and information collected from You by Praxis Group is treated confidentially respecting the applicable laws on data protection and in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which may be viewed by clicking here.

8. Warranty Disclaimer and Liability Exclusion and Limitation Clauses
Since Praxis Group is not a party to any transactions through the Web sites, Praxis Group does not give any representation or warranty regarding any transactions or any of the Items. Praxis Group has no control over or liability for the quality or legality of the Items advertised, the truth or accuracy of the listings, or the ability of Sellers to sell Items.
The Web sites are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and without any representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, and including without limitation implied conditions, warranties or representations of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, performance, durability, security, availability, or accessibility, all of which are hereby disclaimed by Praxis Group to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Regardless of the nature of the claim or the reasons for the loss and damages, Praxis Group’ liability is limited to foreseeable and typical damages. Praxis Group will not under any circumstances be liable to You for any loss of use, loss of production, loss of income or profits (anticipated or otherwise), loss of markets, economic loss, special, indirect or consequential loss or damage or punitive damages, whether in contract, tort or under any other theory of law or equity, arising from, connected with, or relating to the use of the Web sites by You unless it concerns the loss of life, injury of body and/or physical health.
In no event will Praxis Group’ total liability to You or any other person for any claims, proceedings, liabilities, obligations, damages, losses, and costs, whether in contract, tort or under any other theory of law or equity, and regardless of any negligence or other fault or wrongdoing by Praxis Group or any person for whom Praxis Group is responsible, exceed the lesser of INR 750.00/- or the purchase price of the Item, which ever is lower, that is the subject of the claim.
The exclusion of certain warranties and the exclusion or limitation of certain liabilities is prohibited by law in some jurisdictions. Such limitations may apply to You. The warranty disclaimer and liability exclusion and limitation clauses survive indefinitely after the termination of this agreement.

9. Legal Claims
For all disputes between Praxis Group and you or any other person arising from, connected with or relating to the Web sites, this Agreement, transactions facilitated or conducted through the Web sites, Items ordered or purchased through the Web sites, dealings between You and Praxis Group, or any related matters or any legal relationship associated therewith or derived therefrom ("Disputes"), the relevant parties will attempt to find a reasonable solution least onerous to the parties. If a Dispute cannot be resolved by the parties, then the Dispute must be resolved before the Hyderabad jurisdiction only, and you hereby irrevocably submit and attorn to the original and exclusive jurisdiction of those courts in respect of all Disputes. Proceedings regarding Disputes must be commenced in a court of competent jurisdiction in the City of Hyderabad, India within three (3) months after the Dispute arose, after which time any and all proceedings regarding the Dispute are barred. Any shorter time limit provided by statute law remains unaffected.

10. How Do You or Praxis Group End This Agreement?
Praxis Group may at any time and in its discretion immediately suspend or terminate (in whole or in part) your permission to use the Web sites without any notice or liability to You or any other person.
If this agreement or your permission to use the Web sites is terminated by You or Praxis Group for any reason, this agreement will nevertheless continue to apply and be binding upon You in respect of Your prior use of the Web sites and prior purchases of Items through the Web sites and anything connected with, relating to or arising from those matters.

11. Changes to Web sites, Policies and Procedures, and this Agreement
Praxis Group may, in its discretion, change, suspend or terminate, temporarily or permanently, the Web sites or any part of them at any time, for any reason, without any notice or liability to You or any other person.
Praxis Group may, in its discretion, change, supplement or amend its policies and procedures and this agreement as they relate to future use of the Web sites from time to time and without any notice or liability to You or any other person, by posting revised documents on the Web sites. You may not change, supplement or amend this agreement or any Praxis Group policies or procedures.
You and Praxis Group have expressly requested and required that this Agreement and all other related documents be drawn up in the English language.

Thank you for registering with Praxis Group. We look forward to serving you as a valued customer.